Welcome to
Here you will be able to access all your courses and reference videos for each assignment and daily activity.
Here you will be able to access all your courses and reference videos for each assignment and daily activity.
The purpose of daily starters is to enhance students’ creativity and reinforce class concepts around typography.
The typography classes’ group assignments foster teamwork, time and asset management skills needed to complete collective work.
What Students Say
This platform helped me stay on progress all semester and allowed me to go back and reference the information I needed for all the assignments.
This platform helped me stay on progress all semester and allowed me to go back and reference the information I needed for all the assignments.
This platform helped me stay on progress all semester and allowed me to go back and reference the information I needed for all the assignments.
After watching or reading through the lectures, you can apply what you've learned to the assignment in class and ask questions in real time for real answers.
Most of you have jobs and lives outside of the classroom. Flipping the classroom allows for you to have dedicated time within the classroom to meet with your group.
You are able to revisit the lecture at any point making it easy to review the topic information. This will help when we are getting close to quizzes or how to execute assignments.